Sunday, February 14, 2010

How Time Flies

Aah, it's already the 4th Quarter of my 3rd Year High School.
It's been a great year!
Yale has been an (unexpectedly to be honest) awesome class!
I made so many new friends... I gained new appreciation for the old ones,
I found a few callings in life and I am actually experiencing something new... :))
I dunno, everything is just so surreal...
It just feels as if this year has been a awesome dream!
I mean the start of this year was kinda bumpy..
there was a little trouble, but later on I really started to love this year,
I mean seeing my friends, learning new things, try out different stuffs.
It's just so good that I ended up in Yale!
Aaah, the only thing is.. it's gonna end soon, which makes it so sad...
the wonderful dream I've been having for the past 8 months is about to end. :(
I want this to last, the feeling of looking forward to school sometimes just to meet my friends
to hang out with them to be with them... And actually wanting to be the leader sometimes.

okay.. I know this is all not making any sense so I'll just shut up know...

Fail Boy, Out!

Sunday, September 6, 2009


Ugh, my life is so bittersweet.
I am able to put the smile on other's faces.
Let them experience true happiness for a moment in time.
But I can't experience that same joy.

The thing that I want the most is something I can't grasp.
Something far from my reach,
Impossible to attain.

And when I have fun.
Things get ruined,
and something happened that made today so...
Yes, such a bittersweet life I have.

If someone is actually reading this,
listen to Welcome To My Life by Simple Plan.
It's my song for now. :))

Well, I can't say I didn't have the sweet parts.
I have some moments that make me smile.
But it's not the thing that I really want.

Sorry it might just be the remaining alcohol in my body,
or because I am sleepy,
Ugh, my eyes are so swollen, seriously.
I look even more chinki-er then I usually look. =))

Well that's it...

... I'd do anything to get rid of all the knowledge I know right now. I wish I could just get amnesia or something.
Dude just because... you don't have to brag... even worse, don't tell me that shit!
And you think I believe the bullshit that's served up? =)) Patawa!!! =))

Sorry, I am being so vague. -.-
Vent blogs, good thing no one actually reads my blogs. =))

Saturday, August 22, 2009


Well, awhile ago,
I was at my grandparent's place.
Like any other Sunday,
and I was playing with my younger cousins.
Then one of them brought out a Pokemon Handbook. :))
I was like telling them which Pokemon came out in the first season.
It made me feel nostalgic,

I want to go back to those days.
When things were simpler.
No worries,
no one to worry about,
no dangers.
Just me wishing I can go on a pokemon trip too.
and have friends like Ash.

... then it made me feel how dispensable a friend I am.
How I can be replaced, just like that. -.-

I wish, I can be the main character.
Not the bestfriend,
nor the minor character that is left behind at some point.

Thursday, August 20, 2009


Most people,
and including me for a time have been seeing this feeling called love in the wrong way.
They think love is only possible with your special someone.
The "love" that you feel when your with your

Well, here I go again with my saying...
You wrong! :))

Love doesn't have to be with your significant other.
Love is when a person will be there for you,
no matter what.
See, a friend can be that person.
Or even before you meet your significant other,
your parents,
your siblings,
For me, my friends are part of my family.
Yes, we may have our squabbles,
it's inevitable, but once you are part of a family,
you can't back out.

... What I am trying to say is,
even though I am single and everything,
I don't give a shit, cuz I have my friends...
Wait, scrap that.
Because I have a family. :)

Monday, August 17, 2009


Ugh, -.- I don't know what's happening,
but I think this week is gonna be a lonely week. D:
I don't know what I have done, and no one seems to be telling me.
But I ended up either,
pissing off
or annoying,
the people whom I consider my closest friends.

Argh, the whole day I felt so, ahw. -.-
It sucked seriously...
and I think this might continue for the whole week. D:

... And I wanted pa sana to watch a movie with them on Wednesday. :|
Ahw, guess I'll go no life mode and play DW all day.

Rawr this seriously sucks...

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Good guys finish last? (Life Talks)

I hear this in a lot of movies,
they say the nice guy,
the "friend" is the guy that always loses.

And from my experiences,
I guess the do,
at first.

You see,
people think that finishing last is bad.
Their wrong,
good guys finish last because when they finish,
they take their time and get the best.

they won't just go for any girl just to have one,
or make friend with the popular kids just to be popular.
They pick the girl that is the one that's right for them,
even if it takes time.
Or the make friends who are REAL,
not the ones that are fickle and will leave you to be with the "cooler" kids.

If you think that being single,
or being behind everyone else in other fields,
like drinking and stuffs (which is bad for you).
Don't feel bad,
and don't rush yourselves,
because in the end you'll have the best life.

It's not that good guys finish last, it's good guys finish the happiest