Sunday, February 14, 2010

How Time Flies

Aah, it's already the 4th Quarter of my 3rd Year High School.
It's been a great year!
Yale has been an (unexpectedly to be honest) awesome class!
I made so many new friends... I gained new appreciation for the old ones,
I found a few callings in life and I am actually experiencing something new... :))
I dunno, everything is just so surreal...
It just feels as if this year has been a awesome dream!
I mean the start of this year was kinda bumpy..
there was a little trouble, but later on I really started to love this year,
I mean seeing my friends, learning new things, try out different stuffs.
It's just so good that I ended up in Yale!
Aaah, the only thing is.. it's gonna end soon, which makes it so sad...
the wonderful dream I've been having for the past 8 months is about to end. :(
I want this to last, the feeling of looking forward to school sometimes just to meet my friends
to hang out with them to be with them... And actually wanting to be the leader sometimes.

okay.. I know this is all not making any sense so I'll just shut up know...

Fail Boy, Out!